Die Suche ergab 18 Treffer

von monassat
So 7. Feb 2016, 17:48
Forum: OScam
Thema: Update oscam with other release
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 11090

Re: Update oscam with other release

Oooh now is really fine, perfect
thank you very much for your kind help

von monassat
Sa 6. Feb 2016, 18:35
Forum: OScam
Thema: Update oscam with other release
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 11090

Re: Update oscam with other release

Thank you jensebub.
red suggested topic; not clear very much to me becouse of not understandig Deutch. anyway I run the command
wget -O/var/emu/script/oscam-compile............
but nothing changed
von monassat
Fr 5. Feb 2016, 18:59
Forum: OScam
Thema: Update oscam with other release
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 11090

Update oscam with other release

I wonder to install new oscam version on my Debian server (now I have 9982).
Using Putty: arrived in root; typed oscam version and came up oscam version list.
Typed W 9990, nothing; typed 999o nothing.
Where I'm wrong) Many thanks
von monassat
So 14. Jul 2013, 18:11
Forum: Gelöst
Thema: IPC webif login
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1679

Re: IPC webif login

oooh thanks
von monassat
So 14. Jul 2013, 16:12
Forum: Gelöst
Thema: IPC webif login
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1679

Re: IPC webif login

thanks will look at
best regards

had a look but into oscam.conf is written login and passwd to use oscam webif
but I'm trying to open main IPC webinterface directly from server
such info probabily are written inside ipc folders
von monassat
So 14. Jul 2013, 15:44
Forum: Gelöst
Thema: IPC webif login
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1679

IPC webif login

had a crash on hard disk of my windows home pc
not possible to recover login and passwords from old hard disk

now I try to access IPC webif main menu but no fun becouse of I do not remember login datas
asking where are stored into debian squeeze folder such info??
von monassat
Mo 24. Jun 2013, 17:51
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: [solved] - online oscam compilation
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 977

Re: online oscam compilation

monassat hat geschrieben:thank you
Just compiled latest oscam svn with patch "modern webif" with simplebuild, and substided original oscam.x86 with new one
works fine
von monassat
Mo 24. Jun 2013, 12:32
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: [solved] - online oscam compilation
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 977

Re: online oscam compilation

thank you
von monassat
Mo 24. Jun 2013, 06:31
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: [solved] - online oscam compilation
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 977

[solved] - online oscam compilation

I'm using IPC online compilation for oscam and work fine for my pc debian squeeze. With same pc have loaded "Simplebuild" too that allows me to compile oscam for dm8000 with some new patches and is fine too. Well have in mind to use online IPC to compile oscam with some patches too (i.eg. ...