Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

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IPC Neuling
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Sa 3. Sep 2011, 18:50

Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

Beitrag von Hotzenwalder »

When you log in to your server you are presented with a list of shortcuts... o i c etc
I found where all the scripts are. I know their seperate functions, but I cannot seem to find the script or function that defines the o to oscam, the c to cccam, the i to ipc etc.

What script or program defines this? I want to make some changes for my personal use.
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Re: Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

Beitrag von feissmaik »

"o" -> "oscam" etc are SymLinks like: /bin/o -> /var/emu/script/oscam .. also /bin/oscam is symlinked to /var/emu/script/oscam

Look into ipcsetup.sh beginning line 486:

Code: Alles auswählen

echo -n "Symlinks setzen.."
rm -f /bin/cc
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/ipc /bin/ipc
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/cccam /bin/cccam
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/oscam /bin/oscam
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/newcs /bin/newcs
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/camd3 /bin/camd3
ln -f -s /var/emu/script/sbox /bin/sbox
[ ! -f /bin/i ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/ipc /bin/i
[ ! -f /bin/c ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/cccam /bin/c
[ ! -f /bin/o ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/oscam /bin/o
[ ! -f /bin/n ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/newcs /bin/n
[ ! -f /bin/c3 ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/camd3 /bin/c3
[ ! -f /bin/s ] && ln -f -s /var/emu/script/sbox /bin/s

but i guess you mean the text you've get printed on login, or?
thats saved in /etc/motd
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IPC Neuling
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Sa 3. Sep 2011, 18:50

Re: Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

Beitrag von Hotzenwalder »

No... the motd is nice, but I needed the symlinks. Thanks for the information.

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