ich hab irgendwie Probleme mit OScam - ob erst seit kurzem oder schon länger weiss ich nicht, ist mir erst gestern Abend durch Zufall aufgefallen...
Und zwar findet er keinen Key für KD - TNT Film:
Code: Alles auswählen
2013/07/25 10:37:16 AC01D770 c feiss (1722&000000/0000/C618/93:6A14E1810249AAC69756C0B6C1046F85): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/7) - TNT Film (no matching reader)
2013/07/25 10:37:17 AC01D770 c feiss (1834&000000/0000/C618/89:7A4CF0764C3E2C1B5C7FED089AB793D5): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/6) - TNT Film (no matching reader)
2013/07/25 10:37:17 AC01D770 c feiss (09C7&000000/019E/C618/60:0DD23238CAFD6F164F3FE8B8DA7D2225): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/4) - TNT Film (no matching reader)
2013/07/25 10:37:17 AC01D770 c feiss (1722&000001/0000/C618/93:6A14E1810249AAC69756C0B6C1046F85): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/6) - TNT Film (no matching reader)
habe bisher noch OScam unstable 6883 genutzt und gerade auch die letzte r8771 aufgespielt aber es ändert sich nix

in der oscam.conf hab ich lb_auto_betatunnel = 1 und lb_auto_betatunnel_mode = 2 eingestellt, hat aber nix gebracht

Laut http://helpdesk.kdgforum.de/wiki/%C3%84nderungen/2013 hat sich auch nichts an TNT Film geändert...
Andere KD-Home Sender funktionieren problemlos über die Shares im OScam..
Code: Alles auswählen
2013/07/25 11:00:05 AC01D770 c feiss (1722&000000/0000/C619/93:B9909E49E9BB481890E8310C53076721): found (498 ms) by xxx (P/4/4/8) - The Biography Channel
2013/07/25 11:00:14 AC01D770 c feiss (1722&000000/0000/C619/93:D66D8FF622A60367126C060B1A6ADB85): found (571 ms) by xxxx (P/2/2/8) - The Biography Channel

Ich versteh grad garnichts mehr

Code: Alles auswählen
# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r8771
# Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt
disablelog = 0
loghistorysize = 4096
serverip =
logfile = /tmp/OScam.log
logduplicatelines = 0
pidfile =
disableuserfile = 1
disablemail = 1
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 300
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
sleep = 0
unlockparental = 0
nice = 0
maxlogsize = 1024
waitforcards = 0
waitforcards_extra_delay = 0
preferlocalcards = 0
readerrestartseconds = 30
dropdups = 0
block_same_ip = 1
block_same_name = 1
usrfile = /tmp/userlog.OScam
mailfile =
cwlogdir =
emmlogdir =
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 2500
lb_nbest_readers = 2
lb_nfb_readers = 1
lb_min_ecmcount = 5
lb_max_ecmcount = 500
lb_reopen_seconds = 900
lb_retrylimit = 800
lb_stat_cleanup = 24
lb_max_readers = 0
lb_auto_betatunnel = 1
lb_auto_betatunnel_mode = 2
lb_auto_betatunnel_prefer_beta= 50
lb_savepath = /tmp/.oscam/stat
lb_retrylimits =
lb_nbest_percaid =
lb_noproviderforcaid =
lb_auto_timeout = 0
lb_auto_timeout_p = 30
lb_auto_timeout_t = 300
double_check_caid =
ecmfmt =
resolvegethostbyname = 0
failbantime = 5
failbancount = 5
suppresscmd08 = 0
double_check = 0
delay = 0
max_time = 15
max_count = 5000
wait_time =
cacheexenablestats = 0
csp_port = 0
csp_serverip =
csp_ecm_filter =
csp_allow_request = 1
csp_allow_reforward = 0
cwcycle_check_enable = 0
cwcycle_check_caid =
cwcycle_maxlist = 500
cwcycle_keeptime = 0
cwcycle_onbad = 0
cwcycle_dropold = 0
cwcycle_sensitive = 0
port = 12345
serverip =
nodeid = 0A0B0C0D0E0F0G0H0
version = 2.1.1
reshare = 2
reshare_mode = 0
ignorereshare = 1
forward_origin_card = 0
stealth = 1
updateinterval = 30
minimizecards = 0
keepconnected = 1
recv_timeout = 2000
port = 9888
serverip =
nocrypt =
aulow = 120
monlevel = 4
hideclient_to = 15
httpport = 5
serverip =
httpuser = xxx
httppwd = xxx
httpcss =
httpjscript =
httpscript =
httptpl =
httphelplang = de
httpcert =
http_prepend_embedded_css = 0
httprefresh = 30
httphideidleclients = 0
httphidetype =
httpshowpicons = 0
httpallowed =
httpreadonly = 0
httpsavefullcfg = 1
httpforcesslv3 = 0
httpdyndns =
aulow = 120
hideclient_to = 15
Code: Alles auswählen
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r8771
# Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt
disabled = 0
user = feiss
pwd = maik..
description =
hostname =
caid =
uniq = 0
sleepsend = 0
failban = 0
monlevel = 0
sleep = 0
suppresscmd08 = 1
keepalive = 1
emmreassembly = 2
expdate =
allowedprotocols =
allowedtimeframe =
betatunnel =
group = 1
services =
ident =
chid =
class =
cacheex = 0
cacheex_maxhop = 0
cacheex_ecm_filter =
cacheex_drop_csp = 0
cacheex_allow_request = 1
cccmaxhops = 2
cccreshare = 1
cccignorereshare = 0
cccstealth = -1
fakedelay = -1
numusers = 0
penalty = 0
lb_nbest_readers = -1
lb_nfb_readers = -1
lb_nbest_percaid =
Code: Alles auswählen
# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r8771
# Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.server.txt
label = xxx
description =
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device = xxx.myfritz.net,12xxx
key =
user = xxx
password = xxx
pincode = none
gbox_max_distance = 2
gbox_max_ecm_send = 3
gbox_reshare = 0
gbox_group =
gbox_my_password =
services = !crap
lb_whitelist_services =
inactivitytimeout = 30
reconnecttimeout = 60
fallback = 0
cacheex = 0
cacheex_maxhop = 0
cacheex_ecm_filter =
cacheex_allow_request = 1
cacheex_drop_csp = 0
caid =
ecmnotfoundlimit = 0
ecmwhitelist =
ecmheaderwhitelist =
ident =
chid =
class =
aeskeys =
group = 1
emmcache = 0,0,0
blockemm-unknown = 0
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
blockemm-g = 0
saveemm-unknown = 0
saveemm-u = 0
saveemm-s = 0
saveemm-g = 0
blockemm-bylen =
lb_weight = 100
savenano =
blocknano =
dropbadcws = 1
disablecrccws = 0
use_gpio = 0
cccversion = 2.1.1
cccmaxhops = 0
cccmindown = 0
cccwantemu = 0
ccckeepalive = 1
cccreshare = 0
cccreconnect = 12000
use_ssl = 0
audisabled = 1
auprovid =
Code: Alles auswählen
caid = 1722,1834
provid =
srvid = 5E2C,D16B
caid = 1834,1722
provid =
srvid = 0012,0078,0079,007A,00FB,00FE,0105,0108,010F,0119,0123,012D,0137,0141,014B
caid = 1834,1722
provid =
srvid = 0045,0046,003B