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Re: Kleiner VPS kostenlos

Verfasst: Fr 13. Sep 2013, 14:35
von dArk4psyco
Kein Problem wenn der in Frankfurt steht. Ich will damit nix illegales machen.
Ne kleine Fotogallerie oder einen znc bouncer.
Nix grosses.

Re: Kleiner VPS kostenlos

Verfasst: Mi 2. Okt 2013, 12:42
von jensebub
Host1free verschickt jetzt renewal-mails:
This is a notification regarding your Host1Free VPS server.

Your server will expire on: October 16th, 2013
In order to be able to use your server after expiration period you will need to go to the page
After successfully submitting the code, your server will be extended by 1 month.
You will receive a new code 2 weeks before the server expiration.

If you do not submit the code before the due date, your server will be suspended and will be kept for 1 week in that state.
If you do not submit the code during suspension period, the server will be terminated and all data will be deleted.


Re: Kleiner VPS kostenlos

Verfasst: Mi 2. Okt 2013, 17:36
von feissmaik
Jop und dann wirds auch nur für ein Monat verlängert also wird man jeden Monat damit belästigt :(

Re: Kleiner VPS kostenlos

Verfasst: Mi 2. Okt 2013, 17:40
von jensebub
in einigen Postfächern ist's im Spam gelandet. Und es hat keine Rolle gespielt, wie lange der account bestand,... einer 66 Tage einer 30 Tage on.

Re: Kleiner VPS kostenlos

Verfasst: Sa 2. Nov 2013, 07:58
von jensebub
Auf ein neues:
jensebub hat geschrieben:Host1free verschickt jetzt renewal-mails:
This is a notification regarding your Host1Free VPS server.

Your server will expire on: November 15th, 2013
In order to be able to use your server after expiration period you will need to go to the page
After successfully submitting the code, your server will be extended by 1 month.
You will receive a new code 2 weeks before the server expiration.

If you do not submit the code before the due date, your server will be suspended and will be kept for 1 week in that state.
If you do not submit the code during suspension period, the server will be terminated and all data will be deleted.
