webif not opening
Verfasst: Sa 9. Mär 2013, 13:15
few days ago I update IPC prog from network (using Putty IPC update)
I use the previous release since 1 year without any issue (debian squeeze with oscamdvbapi)
actually IPC webif is not opening at all
loaded following script but no result
have bookmarked my pcserver webif as
http://IP of my server/
using Firefox result is "connection had no success"
is something I should check or reload??
I only reach oscam with webif directly
after login and passw change is perfect
I use the previous release since 1 year without any issue (debian squeeze with oscamdvbapi)
actually IPC webif is not opening at all
loaded following script but no result
have bookmarked my pcserver webif as
http://IP of my server/
using Firefox result is "connection had no success"
is something I should check or reload??
I only reach oscam with webif directly
after login and passw change is perfect