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one question
Verfasst: Di 19. Nov 2013, 15:07
von tresjo81
good afternoon
a question, is it possible to mount 2 cccam in ipc? I've been trying but I can not.
Re: one question
Verfasst: Di 19. Nov 2013, 15:17
von jensebub
till now there is no good reason to use a CAM twice. And IPC doesn't support nonsense.
Re: one question
Verfasst: Di 19. Nov 2013, 15:37
von tresjo81
hello again, it is silly to use twin cam.
I I have mounted on my pc ipc and great, now wanted to ride with a friend and that was the question.
sorry and thank you very much
Re: one question
Verfasst: Di 19. Nov 2013, 15:50
von jensebub
There is NO reason to use two instances of a CAM, except payserver!!! And the IPC-pebkac-team doesn't support payserver.
If you want to ride with a friend, then combine it with your first CCcam, or better use OScam. Couse all of your "tests" and other "rides with your friend" are possible with one CAM.
i hope u appreciate our decision.
Re: one question
Verfasst: Di 19. Nov 2013, 16:14
von tresjo81
Thank you very much,
I can assure you nothing payserver, it was just a question and wanted to know if it was possible.
I greatly appreciate the team's work.
thank you very much again
"ride with my friend", is a translation of google because everything is not ok in English express