nachdem ich auf con Bananian 14.09 (wheezy) auf 15.08 (jessie) geupdatet habe funktioniert IPC nicht mehr richtig.
Beispiel oe compile
Code: Alles auswählen
cc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-m4-300’
Makefile:35: recipe for target 'cscrypt/bn_ctx.o' failed
make: *** [cscrypt/bn_ctx.o] Error 1
ERROR: compile fehlgeschlagen? Abbruch!
Code: Alles auswählen
Erstelle SQLite3 Datenbank.. [ DONE ]
Erstelle/Pruefe SQLite3 Tabellen.. [ DONE ]
Rotiere Logfiles mit neuer Konfiguration..
error: skipping "/var/log/aptitude" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/dpkg.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/alternatives.log" because parent directory has insecur e permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
error: skipping "/var/log/syslog" because parent directory has insecure permissi ons (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" dire ctive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotat ion.
error: skipping "/var/log/" because parent directory has insecure permi ssions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" d irective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for ro tation.
error: skipping "/var/log/mail.warn" because parent directory has insecure permi ssions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" d irective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for ro tation.
error: skipping "/var/log/mail.err" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/mail.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/daemon.log" because parent directory has insecure perm issions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for r otation.
error: skipping "/var/log/kern.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/auth.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/user.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/lpr.log" because parent directory has insecure permiss ions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" dir ective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rota tion.
error: skipping "/var/log/cron.log" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/debug" because parent directory has insecure permissio ns (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" direc tive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotati on.
error: skipping "/var/log/messages" because parent directory has insecure permis sions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" di rective in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rot ation.
error: skipping "/var/log/wtmp" because parent directory has insecure permission s (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" direct ive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotatio n.
error: skipping "/var/log/btmp" because parent directory has insecure permission s (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" direct ive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotatio n.
Entferne alte Logfile Sicherungen.. Installation abgeschlossen
Syslog neustarten..Webserver Zeile 169: bc: Kommando ni cht gefunden. Zeile 171: [: =: Einstelliger (unärer) Operator erwartet.
Output of config test was:
apache2: Syntax error on line 265 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open c onfiguration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/: No such file or directory
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
[ FAIL ]