wenn ich "ipc update" ausführe und die Pakete überprüft werden kommt folgende Meldung und es geht nicht weiter.
Code: Alles auswählen
php5 (5.3.3-7+squeeze5) squeeze-security; urgency=high
* The following new directives were added as part of security fixes:
- max_input_vars - specifies how many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables
may be accepted. Default value is set to 1000.
- xsl.security_prefs - define forbidden operations within XSLT
stylesheets. Write operations are now disabled by default.
-- OndÅej Surý <ondrej@debian.org> Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:22:26 +0100
php5 (5.3.3-7+squeeze4) squeeze-security; urgency=low
* Updated blowfish crypt() algorithm fixes the 8-bit character handling
vulnerability (CVE-2011-2483) and adds more self-tests. Unfortunately
this change is incompatible with some old (wrong) generated hashes for
passwords containing 8-bit characters. Therefore the new salt prefix
'$2x$' was introduced which can be used as a replacement for '$2a$'
salt prefix in the password database in case the incompatibility is
-- OndÅej Surý <ondrej@debian.org> Mon, 04 Jul 2011 10:31:16 +0200
Wollte wie gesagt die neue Online Version updaten.
Code: Alles auswählen
Verbinde zu Updateserver..
Installationspaket Lokal = 11.5 (2012-09-17)
Installationspaket Online = 11.5 (2012-11-03)
Onlineversion ist aktueller, Update wird empfohlen !
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