Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von Hotzenwalder
Mo 22. Okt 2012, 20:02
Forum: Gelöst
Thema: Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 832

Re: Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

No... the motd is nice, but I needed the symlinks. Thanks for the information.
von Hotzenwalder
Mo 22. Okt 2012, 18:34
Forum: Gelöst
Thema: Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 832

Where are the shortcuts/aliases defined?

When you log in to your server you are presented with a list of shortcuts... o i c etc I found where all the scripts are. I know their seperate functions, but I cannot seem to find the script or function that defines the o to oscam, the c to cccam, the i to ipc etc. What script or program defines th...